In the ticker purchases are green with an up arrow, and sales are red with a down arrow. What are the light blue/gray transactions with a diamond (presumably not up or down)?
Is this dark pool activity? Or options?
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IrishJohn HSS
I think they Mean the sale is neutral, like 100 shares were bought and sold at the same time and had no impact on the price up or down.
OPIrishJohn HSS
It looks like the majority are these transactions. It's difficult to imagine the majority of AMC transactions being "neutral."
IrishJohn HSS : I think they Mean the sale is neutral, like 100 shares were bought and sold at the same time and had no impact on the price up or down.
InsiderJesus :
71692573 OP IrishJohn HSS : It looks like the majority are these transactions. It's difficult to imagine the majority of AMC transactions being "neutral."
I'm genuinely curious what these are.
Does anyone know for sure what these are?
71692573 OP InsiderJesus : I can't see whatever image you tried to post. What is it?
McElroy : Insider jesus just broke that down for you
InsiderJesus 71692573 OP : ↑: Buy on ask. Brushing as “up color.”
↓: Sell on bid. Decent as “down color.”
◆: Filled between bid and ask price Dye in gray.
71692573 OP McElroy : Sadly I'm just a retarded ape. All I can see from InsiderJesus reply is this....
InsiderJesus 71692573 OP : If you click your post and go into it you’ll be able to see the picture :)
71692573 OP InsiderJesus : Got it. I appreciate it!
InsiderJesus 71692573 OP : No problem. Ape help Ape
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