Invest SA2
I have 600 shares at $9. Keep going down but I know wish will be up again. Currently Down is due to people saying the company Don’t have good management, Lousy goods and customer services. I believe thE price going down is because those trading houses want to make the price down and when the company picks up, gain the maximum profits. Otherwise how they charge the annual fees and management fees for the portfolio in order to give good promising returns. Just my Feel.
MJ888 : Don’t worry, my purchase price was higher than yours..
70988620 : Passed by for over 10 yuan
Bryanyee OP : Aren't you guys planning to add it? Do you think it's going to fall
poh3108 : I buy at 7 bro
102916335 : I at 11 bro. Haha
lowriskboi90s : 11.6 400 shares here
102916335 lowriskboi90s : Around there bro. Haha
lowriskboi90s 102916335 : how you thinking about? continue holding till the end of thenday or lets just sell and gtfo from this hell
Invest SA2 : I have 600 shares at $9. Keep going down but I know wish will be up again. Currently Down is due to people saying the company Don’t have good management, Lousy goods and customer services. I believe thE price going down is because those trading houses want to make the price down and when the company picks up, gain the maximum profits. Otherwise how they charge the annual fees and management fees for the portfolio in order to give good promising returns. Just my Feel.
Bankrookie poh3108 : Around there too
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