$Lucid Group (LCID.US)$ before Lcid ask for mark on Sept 27 ...
$Lucid Group (LCID.US)$before Lcid ask for mark on Sept 27 and its nothing but whole market big crash now mark on Oct 12nd again? I guess another big crash coming in?.... I stsrt losing patience here be honest
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Possibility is low in near future, set at $50-$60 is better becos many automotives are coming in as EV too and biggest threat is AAPL launching their car in a few years time. AAPL should be capturing a large portion of the pie, given its super strong finance. Only if and when they open into China market will it stand a chance to be over $100 since they position as luxury EV. But I’m still invested in it becos it has started actual production. A gain of over 100% in few years still sounds very good IMO.
Pochong : ByeBye bears. See ya~
SkyTheLimit88 : must be patience as lucid is a new and growing company. Price won't shoot up so soon.
SaiG : Ya this is not some short squeeze stock, it’s a good company with a good future potential. Have to be patient
SkyTheLimit88 SaiG : I m planning to buy some long term call for this stock
Devilton 烈火站牛 : Possibility is low in near future, set at $50-$60 is better becos many automotives are coming in as EV too and biggest threat is AAPL launching their car in a few years time. AAPL should be capturing a large portion of the pie, given its super strong finance. Only if and when they open into China market will it stand a chance to be over $100 since they position as luxury EV. But I’m still invested in it becos it has started actual production. A gain of over 100% in few years still sounds very good IMO.
Riezal Jalkry : If you believe in the company then stick to your game plan. Stocks don’t just rocket high overnight. Patient is key my friend.
70163959 : Buy and hold, let time do The work.