101724503 : Bravo! How did you get negative 100? haha
Becky007 : Haha dude, it's positive. Congrats
tamtk : Simply put, he used to sell some of his shares, and that portion of the shares exceeded his cost
70160831 : Are you trying to say “possible”
101782433 : How Many share u bought. ?
70160831 : There was no reaction just now; they just sold this kind of thing by borrowing stocks. It's like how secret it is to make them one by one.
70160831 : Thanks for the snack explanation, there was no response just now.
rennymc 101724503 : He sold off some shares
倔强的嚣张 OP : I didn't borrow stocks; I just bought higher and lower, sold 4.8, bought 0.9, sold some at 5 cents, sometimes sold all of them and kept 500 shares, etc. Wait until it's low enough, all
赌生死 : Big brother teaches some secrets
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101724503 : Bravo! How did you get negative 100? haha
Becky007 : Haha dude, it's positive. Congrats
tamtk : Simply put, he used to sell some of his shares, and that portion of the shares exceeded his cost
70160831 : Are you trying to say “possible”
101782433 : How Many share u bought. ?
70160831 : There was no reaction just now; they just sold this kind of thing by borrowing stocks. It's like how secret it is to make them one by one.
70160831 : Thanks for the snack explanation, there was no response just now.
rennymc 101724503 : He sold off some shares
倔强的嚣张 OP : I didn't borrow stocks; I just bought higher and lower, sold 4.8, bought 0.9, sold some at 5 cents, sometimes sold all of them and kept 500 shares, etc. Wait until it's low enough, all
赌生死 : Big brother teaches some secrets
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