Moomoo Lily
Dear client, your asset information might not be displayed correctly due to a connectivity issue that occurred last night, and the trading service might also get interrupted. Your actual assets are NOT affected. We contacted the service provider for an emergent restoration, and the issue has now been resolved. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Dell Deezle : try from mobile app and desktop app
jpcardona : just hold until Monday
102696272 OP : Tried from mobile app still can’t
KoryoDragon 102696272 OP : this is a bloody joke... major screw up
Moomoo Lily : Dear client, your asset information might not be displayed correctly due to a connectivity issue that occurred last night, and the trading service might also get interrupted. Your actual assets are NOT affected. We contacted the service provider for an emergent restoration, and the issue has now been resolved. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.