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DBS: Regional plantations

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  • Ph0enix : First resources already hit TP?

  • AlanYeo OP Ph0enix : Yes, interestingly but DBS still holds a “buy” on it even though the price had hit its target.

  • Dynamic wildcat AlanYeo OP : is this to cash in on energy crisis? because company, seems to be saddle with debt payment?

  • AlanYeo OP Dynamic wildcat : Personally, I feel that CPO prices are too toppish. My next question is whether this elevated prices are a result of increasing demand or… and from what I see for the other commodities’ prices, it aligned well as Example, oil is trading at a high as well.

    Thus, I don’t like the risk reward there. The amount of liquidity in the market contributed to the hike in prices as well and of cos, the economy reopening story. I expect this demand to fade over time and thus, may result in margin compression of commodities companies. Moreover, the cost of transportation is currently High as well. THus, higher prices which benefit margin may be offset by higher operating costs.

    Just my two cents worth

  • SAM1003 : up

  • eitokun : I am thinking why Wilmar very hard to hit TP. Wilmar so far only reach 5.3 only (if did not remember wrong).

  • AlanYeo OP eitokun : Target price is derive using a number of assumptions. Not a sure target. More of a reference and should not be taken too objectively.

An investor since 1997, financial blogger, IBF certified trainer and public speaker. Spoken at SGX events in the past.