The volume is falling, which is not a good sign. Now is not the time to buy on the rebound, wait for it to bottom out before buying. Recently, I have been trading intraday to prevent this kind of bloodbath.
A very standard downtrend. You can see two sideways defenses, but the downward pressure is very strong. It depends on how much your cost price is. When it rises, it depends on when the bears make enough money.
102403367 : What price is suitable for admission?
小熊熊和大牛牛 OP 102403367 : At least we have to wait for the moving average to stop falling before advancing; currently it is still falling.
中本萌汉子 : Let's see how the tiger walks, I'm going to lose my life
小熊熊和大牛牛 OP 中本萌汉子 : What is the stock code?
中本萌汉子 小熊熊和大牛牛 OP : Tigr,thanks
小熊熊和大牛牛 OP 中本萌汉子 : A very standard downtrend. You can see two sideways defenses, but the downward pressure is very strong. It depends on how much your cost price is. When it rises, it depends on when the bears make enough money.
Investress 小熊熊和大牛牛 OP : Omg.... I bought at 74..
102764470 小熊熊和大牛牛 OP : Has the decline stopped
小熊熊和大牛牛 OP 102764470 : The decline has stopped
102764470 小熊熊和大牛牛 OP : Can I get my hands on it now
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