mohi uddin : I think so
Moooooo888 : Sis, u enter again?
khim khim OP Moooooo888 : Yup. I sold and enter again at 1.55 just now iPost. Pigu Yang 1.43 dun wan hold
Anonymous Investor khim khim OP : Ayyy High 5 I did too
Moooooo888 khim khim OP : Same here. Don't sell at 1.60 but sell at 1.56
khim khim OP Anonymous Investor : Hahaha lets wait for the up
khim khim OP Moooooo888 : Lol lol ok la. Not that bad u re entering or?
Moooooo888 khim khim OP : Enter again. Hope can take back the small lose
Moooooo888 : Khim sell not?
mohi uddin : I think so
Moooooo888 : Sis, u enter again?
khim khim OP Moooooo888 : Yup. I sold and enter again at 1.55 just now iPost. Pigu Yang

1.43 dun wan hold 
Anonymous Investor khim khim OP : Ayyy High 5 I did too

Moooooo888 khim khim OP : Same here. Don't sell at 1.60 but sell at 1.56
khim khim OP Anonymous Investor : Hahaha lets wait for the up
khim khim OP Moooooo888 : Lol lol ok la. Not that bad
u re entering or?
Moooooo888 khim khim OP : Enter again. Hope can take back the small lose
Moooooo888 : Khim sell not?