Bernard With Bacon : He answered, as long as you think the price is right for sale, you can sell it Everyone's requirements are different
我是負二代 Bond-Poor : Scroll down and read
Mcsnacks H Tupack : Mine is 5.00. A couple of days maybe 3 or 4. Is that too long?
102170036 OP Mcsnacks H Tupack : not long. haha. I thought it would be a week or two. thanks man.
Bernard With Bacon : He answered, as long as you think the price is right for sale, you can sell it
Everyone's requirements are different
我是負二代 Bond-Poor : Scroll down and read![undefined [undefined]](
Mcsnacks H Tupack : Mine is 5.00. A couple of days maybe 3 or 4. Is that too long?
102170036 OP Mcsnacks H Tupack : not long. haha. I thought it would be a week or two. thanks man.