A super amateur here, having many difficulties using the app. Not a tech savvy person and never good with stocks lingo yet there’s way too many things to read!
Till date, I have only bought 1 stock which has been dropping since then (paper loss of 34%). This stock was a FOMO stock (seeing friend earning 20% and feeling FOMO). But ever since the drop in that stock, I had second thoughts on entering. After which, I had been trying all through paper trading.
Several stocks in mind that I wanted to buy but realised I barely know about the Company/stock. Few months into it, seeing the results which is total regrets of not entering. But I will take it as a learning curve as there will still be stocks with loads of potential to grow. Probably this lesson is more for the heart/emotion – regrets of not entering and self-blaming for not taking action. But there’s so many “what-ifs” – What-if entering and the result is the same as the 1 and only stock I bought. Too many factors to consider. But really and seriously – emotions ought to be separated otherwise it affects the entire process of buying and selling. If the stock is too high to enter, grieve and get over. Move on to the next stock that has potential! 💪
Sharing some stocks that I have been looking at or rather in my paper trading:
A humour here: An apple with exercise makes you able to eat MCD and not feeling guilty for eating fried food 😬😬😬
Aside from that, I would say that things would go fast track if there’s more guidance with Moomoo App – probably I am the only one not understanding how the app works and am afraid to ask as I am not sure if my questions might be too stupid. Hence for me with the question “What works and what could be improved?” – it would be the “For Dummies 101 on moomoo app”.
Mett : Hi there, happened to see your post and thought of adding some opinions.
- First of all, acknowledge market is always right. Some will say it’s rigged. I agree to some extent but ultimately the buy/sell button is clicked by us. We are our greatest enemy in the stock market.
- Know your timeframe. Is it an intraday, swing or position. Or long time investment. The worst is a trade doesn’t go your way, and you convince (comfort) yourself it can be for LT investment because of its FA.
- Have a plan before you click. Pretty related to above. Know your EP, TP and SL first. And have discipline to stick to it. The market is always cleverer and designed to mess with your mind. By having a plan, your psychology will be in place.
- For trading… TA > FA. Having said that, you can implement FA into your TA during stocks selection. Good traders should not have a problem with that. More often than not, only investors have problem having TA in their FA researches. Information are free and available everywhere in thIs era now. Spend some time online to learn some TA skills.
- After picking the skills, spend 3 mths to refer to historical charts to check how well they worked. Filter and decide on a couple of strategies based on your timeframe (suiting your lifestyle) and backtest for the next 6 - 12 mths.
- To make $ from stock market, actually it’s not hard. You just need 2 to 3 strategies for each timeframe (it can be simple ones), refine and perfect them. It’s all about Risk vs Reward (RR). Pure simple maths. Risk 1% of your portfolio to get 2% or more back. Keep doing this long term and you will be profitable.
Mett : - Respect your SL. Just exit when price hits SL. It’s ok to be wrong. Most well known traders’ win rates are low. Key is exit fast if wrong, hold longer If correct. Problem is most retailers do the opposite.
- Exit laggards, hold your winners. Even if your stock is not in the red but stagnant/sideway. Exit and move on to your next one. Make your $ work harder for you. And your trade hits X2 gains vs your risk, say 2% to 5%, sell half to lock your profits and raise your SL to breakeven. Let the remaining half works on its own. If continues to go up, good. If no, even you get stop out, you don’t lose.
- don’t FOMO, don’t read news. Don’t follow tips without doing your homework. My biggest losses resulted from those 3 above. Again, have a strategy plan and stick to it.
There are many more stuffs but I gtg. Will share more if I can rmb. Anyway, for charting. Always use a computer (screen). Don’t use mobile. Take care
Moo to Moon FTW OP Mett : Wow! Thanks for the lengthy advices! Greatly appreciate your time and effort spent! Learnt new things through your comment

Certainly will revisit your advices and start reading them up and taking action! Thanks loads once again ![undefined [undefined]](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/default/default-black.png?imageMogr2/thumbnail/36x36)
Would be great if you could even teach me virtually as I'm really super amateur but wanting to learn... There's so much to read that I feel so overwhelmed and not knowing where and how to even start...
Mett Moo to Moon FTW OP : What’s your lifestyle like? How much time you can spend daily, weekly on charts, in front of the screen? For TA knowledge, you can YouTube rayner teo to start off. After the basics, then YouTube Traderlion for advance stuffs
Moo to Moon FTW OP Mett : I'm still far from everything...
One heart, one mind but wanting to grasp everything... Prolly made me so overwhelmed and definitely very lost... what's your telegram if I may have it?
Austen217 : He fee for for fee u free to
TWFLS : Hi, am new here. May I know if the function of the ‘Activate’ button on the KweiChow Moutai page is identical to Trade button? I don’t see it in any other stock page. Kindly advise on why KCMT has both Activate & Mock button on the page instead of just Trade button like the rest? Thanks!
Moo to Moon FTW OP TWFLS : Sorry for the late reply
Let us check with @moomoo SG@Team moomoo
Hope it helps!!