it's your Class A Preferred Shares, these placeholder for future Dividend money from the sale of Torchlight Oil and Gas Land, and EQ. Don't worry about the current price, it has nothing to do with the actual Dividend, they have not been done yet by Torchlight. The price is just what someone believes they can take your Preferred Shares from you. So Absolutely DO NOT SELL!
why would you wanna sell away tis?? this is your dividend stock !! sell and you will lose it. The shorts always like to scare off people that dont do their DD.
Phyrevixen : Keep it.
OldNormanBates : it's your Class A Preferred Shares, these placeholder for future Dividend money from the sale of Torchlight Oil and Gas Land, and EQ. Don't worry about the current price, it has nothing to do with the actual Dividend, they have not been done yet by Torchlight. The price is just what someone believes they can take your Preferred Shares from you. So Absolutely DO NOT SELL!
dezelous : why would you wanna sell away tis?? this is your dividend stock !! sell and you will lose it. The shorts always like to scare off people that dont do their DD.
Ding Tong dezelous : Hold till when?
dezelous Ding Tong : end of dec the dividends will come
ENG GUO QIN NICHOLAS : Im glad that i held it for long time!
Ding Tong dezelous : glad to hear. thanks bro.
Ding Tong ENG GUO QIN NICHOLAS : By the way, the dividend will given to us in what kind of way?
Ding Tong dezelous : By the way, the dividend will given to us in what kind of way?