Silverbat : Was oversold at closing, see 885 tomorrow! 900 is nothing to fear
Ash cool : Hopefully the earnings are good!
orangeberry Silverbat : You mean 885 is to be opened price tomorrow?
102084011_Muru Silverbat :
MooRanger : I think will go down after the earnings simply because everyone is expecting so much from this stock.
GM 1 MooRanger : But this stock has always lived up to expectations and has always been heavily shorted until recently
Silverbat : Was oversold at closing, see 885 tomorrow! 900 is nothing to fear
Ash cool : Hopefully the earnings are good!
orangeberry Silverbat : You mean 885 is to be opened price tomorrow?
102084011_Muru Silverbat :
MooRanger : I think will go down after the earnings simply because everyone is expecting so much from this stock.
GM 1 MooRanger : But this stock has always lived up to expectations and has always been heavily shorted until recently