102794847 sun : What’s your price?
kenny leck OP 102794847 sun : about 142. idk should I keep it for long term or not. I'm quite new to stocks.
CDlk : New all time high should be seen soon
102794847 sun kenny leck OP : My price is around 142.60 . I plan to keep till 157 . but I don’t have Many shares . So for me it is actually not much impact .
aoimizu kenny leck OP : Depending how much you have, personally I'd hold a portion for long-term at least. Besides, there's dividend soon.
kenny leck OP aoimizu : ahhh okie. thank you!
102794847 sun kenny leck OP : My target Sale price. Is 160 . My price is about same as yours but not many shares . I m not Very worry
102794847 sun : What’s your price?
kenny leck OP 102794847 sun : about 142. idk should I keep it for long term or not. I'm quite new to stocks.
CDlk : New all time high should be seen soon
102794847 sun kenny leck OP : My price is around 142.60 . I plan to keep till 157 . but I don’t have Many shares . So for me it is actually not much impact .
aoimizu kenny leck OP : Depending how much you have, personally I'd hold a portion for long-term at least. Besides, there's dividend soon.
kenny leck OP aoimizu : ahhh okie. thank you!
102794847 sun kenny leck OP : My target Sale price. Is 160 . My price is about same as yours but not many shares . I m not Very worry