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Why moomoo?
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9 Moomoo Moments

9 Moomoo Moments
The first thought that came to my mind when I learnt about moomoo was “wow, I can get a free Apple share by joining”. Then the questions came: is the company reliable? Is there any catch? After doing some due diligence checks, I was satisfied my money should be safe. The process for opening a moomoo account took less than 30mins. Amazing!

In the months that followed, my journey with moomoo had been peppered by many milestones and memorable moments. I will list 9 below in honour of moomoo’s 9th anniversary:

1) Getting my first Apple share

2) Discovering a mobile trading app can support so many functions (quotes, charts, charting tools, news, community, chatroom, etc)

3) Signing in to the moomoo app on a daily basis

4) Getting free stocks

5) Earning while learning by answering quizzes

6) Executing my first trade in the US market

7) Showing up on the Leaderboard for August

8) Getting my feet wet in a paper trading competition

9) Interacting with moomoo-ians from different walks of life
9 Moomoo Moments

Thank you, moomoo, for these moo-ving experiences! I wish you many more 9 years to come in the future.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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