Riding Star
Yoy can sell at 1.78 if you have holding and buy back 1.70 and then you make the profit of 8c. Most them are playing during pre markert before trading opening at 9:30
going to be hard to break 2. alot of people will take profits there or close to. Zack Morris said he is selling at 3. I'm selling at 2.84 for my second 100% profit take from this stock.
pennypincher : shorts!! just go watch the ticker and you will see
Dusk till Dawn pennypincher : Nice reply
joejoejoejoejoe : Don't be scared of them. If you believe in camber as a promising company, just hold till 5 or even 10.
lucky hold joejoejoejoejoe : just hold. u need iron guts.
facaimind : stupid short attackers keep coming at us
SoloQueen lucky hold : And diamond balls
Riding Star : Yoy can sell at 1.78 if you have holding and buy back 1.70 and then you make the profit of 8c. Most them are playing during pre markert before trading opening at 9:30
Riding Star : Short is over. Wait for next bull run. Otw
lucky hold : my position 1.86 too high.
pennypincher : going to be hard to break 2. alot of people will take profits there or close to. Zack Morris said he is selling at 3. I'm selling at 2.84 for my second 100% profit take from this stock.
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