khim khim : Can it be a little more auspicious
joejoejoejoejoe : It won't
jeng81 : Today is
lucky hold : u know cei is most watched ticker for almost a month.
moom lives : Still staying green
爱吃大鳄鱼 OP khim khim : If there's a contrast, I also want to fly high
101791690 : maybe red but i trust it will grow in the long run
Cherquan : It's already stable, don't hurry and take it slow
khim khim : Can it be a little more auspicious
joejoejoejoejoe : It won't
jeng81 : Today is

lucky hold : u know cei is most watched ticker for almost a month.
moom lives : Still staying green
爱吃大鳄鱼 OP khim khim : If there's a contrast, I also want to fly high
101791690 : maybe red but i trust it will grow in the long run
Cherquan : It's already stable, don't hurry and take it slow