Discipline Trader : Didn't receive yet
astabrin OP Discipline Trader : they indicate 22/10 to pay out dividend
Fast Forward : Havent received
Roy Peck : Never received also
102132970 : Never received also. May i know where will it be deposited? Back to moomoo or bank account?
JuzzAlittlePatience : Normally it takes 1 to 2 days to receive the dividend after the payout dates.Will deposit Into your moomoo account.
Dadacai : https://www.moomoo.com/en-sg/community/feed/106701755121670?lang_code=2
Dadacai 102132970 : https://www.moomoo.com/en-sg/community/feed/106701755121670?lang_code=2
astabrin OP : it should be moo moo fund account
Discipline Trader : Didn't receive yet
astabrin OP Discipline Trader : they indicate 22/10 to pay out dividend
Fast Forward : Havent received
Roy Peck : Never received also
102132970 : Never received also. May i know where will it be deposited? Back to moomoo or bank account?
JuzzAlittlePatience : Normally it takes 1 to 2 days to receive the dividend after the payout dates.Will deposit Into your moomoo account.
Dadacai : https://www.moomoo.com/en-sg/community/feed/106701755121670?lang_code=2
Dadacai 102132970 : https://www.moomoo.com/en-sg/community/feed/106701755121670?lang_code=2
astabrin OP : it should be moo moo fund account