Whether it is DWAC or PHUN, etc, please be careful not to chase already running stocks like those that are already up 300%. It is not illegal and it is your own choice if you want to make plays in other stocks too to make more profit.
But just remember, what goes up goes down and what goes down goes up. Buying right at the peak of a 300% green is a very risky move and has a high chance of a rug pull, drastically eliminating most of your money at once.
If you were already in early, congratulations! If not, do not stress youself out too much wanting to chase. Just don't, but it's your choice.
Anyway back to technical analysis: SEC is implementing a new D-Limit order type later this month that will protect retail investors from high frequency trading arbitrage and force more orders to lit exchanges, which Citadel is strongly against and suing SEC for.
What you're seeing in the market right now is a huge side effect of that: over leveraged hedge firms making one more desperate attempt to lower the prices of meme stocks to try to cover more of their losses while driving up other "Trump" stocks like DWAC and PHUN to recoup more profit.
Welcome to the stock market roller-coaster ride. Treat it like a casino but respect your money and do not become bag holders by chasing!
Zerocool888 : Well said and great advise for all!
Anonymous Investor : Someone gets it.![coffee ☕](https://static.moomoo.com/nnq/emoji/static/image/img-apple-64/2615.png)
Machiavellis3rdEye : Finally, a human that still has his critical thinking hat on! Really Hope Everyone makes it out… profitable and still alive.