101768911 : Revenue was not as good as expected
cwkang999 OP 101768911 : Understood
ColdJoke : Routine, routine. From the second half of next week to next week, buy and count money (but can't make big money)
cwkang999 OP ColdJoke : Are you talking about Intel? Or is it AMD
ColdJoke cwkang999 OP : It's INTC
101768911 : Revenue was not as good as expected
cwkang999 OP 101768911 : Understood
ColdJoke : Routine, routine. From the second half of next week to next week, buy and count money (but can't make big money)
cwkang999 OP ColdJoke : Are you talking about Intel? Or is it AMD
ColdJoke cwkang999 OP : It's INTC