Wallace Lai : just to virtual signal and to stand on the opposite side of Trump
Wikkey : A politically motivated act and to encourage short sell
MindOverMatter OP Wallace Lai : this doesn't make sense
TanBC : Thats just good news for people that just got in like me
MindOverMatter OP Wikkey : This doesn't make sense.....or lighthouse pumped the stock n sold ....
MindOverMatter OP TanBC : Good luck
Wallace Lai MindOverMatter OP : The article specifically mentioned that they want ntg to do with trump, alongside with some virtual signalling following by citing two impeachment, failing to mention "failed" impeachment
MindOverMatter OP Wallace Lai : Huu??
Wallace Lai : just to virtual signal and to stand on the opposite side of Trump
Wikkey : A politically motivated act and to encourage short sell
MindOverMatter OP Wallace Lai : this doesn't make sense
TanBC : Thats just good news for people that just got in like me
MindOverMatter OP Wikkey : This doesn't make sense.....or lighthouse pumped the stock n sold ....
MindOverMatter OP TanBC : Good luck
Wallace Lai MindOverMatter OP : The article specifically mentioned that they want ntg to do with trump, alongside with some virtual signalling following by citing two impeachment, failing to mention "failed" impeachment
MindOverMatter OP Wallace Lai : Huu??