风光3265 : Does that mean it will continue to skyrocket??
Master Teo 风光3265 : yes likely. Our only chance, why not take a bet and hold rather than sell and make a loss¿
风光3265 : OK, thank you
70767289 : Would y’all Buy in at this price?
Zombie Boy Trade 70767289 : buy at support line 68 to be safe
Raymond L : Whoohoo Average opportunity
70767289 Win more Lost less : Thank you!!!
fuzzthehax OP 70767289 : post market price is 80 plus i would say if look out first. But monday likely its gonna have a lot of fight
风光3265 : Does that mean it will continue to skyrocket??
Master Teo 风光3265 : yes likely. Our only chance, why not take a bet and hold rather than sell and make a loss¿
风光3265 : OK, thank you
70767289 : Would y’all Buy in at this price?
Zombie Boy Trade 70767289 : buy at support line 68 to be safe
Raymond L : Whoohoo Average opportunity
70767289 Win more Lost less : Thank you!!!
fuzzthehax OP 70767289 : post market price is 80 plus i would say if look out first. But monday likely its gonna have a lot of fight