Caprigoat : U can try to explore the +- button as u attempt to buy the shares. Minimum is 100 shares
102056319 : Min is 100shares
Tesla 1st : $100X Current Price+ (for a small fee) = For example, the current price is 509.5509500 + cost about 100 = 509600
Witcher18 : Hi u can choose Odd lot then u can buy less than 100 shares
102761507 OP Witcher18 : Oic. Thanks a lot
Caprigoat : U can try to explore the +- button as u attempt to buy the shares. Minimum is 100 shares
102056319 : Min is 100shares
Tesla 1st : $100X Current Price+ (for a small fee) =
For example, the current price is 509.5
509500 + cost about 100 = 509600
Witcher18 : Hi u can choose Odd lot then u can buy less than 100 shares
102761507 OP Witcher18 : Oic. Thanks a lot