-- 230.580 NVDA
-- 108.760 PLTR
-- 78.050 AAPL
-- 220.840 GRRR
Gorilla Technology
-- 26.990 The 'MACD divergence' is a situation where the price creates higher tops and the MACD creates a raw of lower tops, or the price creates a lower bottom and the MACD creates higher bottoms, MACD divergence after a significant uptrend indicates that the buyers are losing power and MACD divergence after downtrend indicates the sellers losing power.
TVSaran : You mean to say that the stocks mentioned will rise up?
Dartanian Dawson : I'm not sure exactly what they are saying
ex whywhyzee : I didn't get any of it, but A+ for effort!
Also, please edit "...higher bottoms, MACD..." to "...higher bottoms. MACD..."
You use periods to separate independent clauses in this case, not commas.