depending on the size of your loss, just hold lor. If not can slowly average down also. im intending to average down but only if it hits about 4 dollars.
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
DrStrang3 : i can see tonight will hit $4, and now is close to $5. Better cut too late..............
DrStrang3 DrStrang3 : before
101817578 : depending on the size of your loss, just hold lor. If not can slowly average down also. im intending to average down but only if it hits about 4 dollars.
Anonymous Investor 101817578 : They just loaded up more than a million shorts to borrow. This could get really violent
101817578 Anonymous Investor : Yes indeed. Thats why I'm not too enthusiastic on averaging down so soon.