70679939 OP : Looks like GLBE will adopting Bitcoin
70679939 OP : I believe that This Company the size of global e-Commerce will be next Shopify or AMZN after 5 years
70679939 OP : Share Lockup period (180 days) and Lock-up expiration was 11/08/2021 That Contribute recently lower price after this period I think will Continue going up
70679939 OP : Looks like GLBE will adopting Bitcoin
70679939 OP : I believe that This Company the size of global e-Commerce will be next Shopify or AMZN after 5 years
70679939 OP : Share Lockup period (180 days) and Lock-up expiration was 11/08/2021 That Contribute recently lower price after this period I think will Continue going up