average down to $11 still holding & bleeding. Not sure to sell or hold all the way to bottom. But years back the price ever surged over $500 then stay flat till last Friday.
really is bleeding but just hold it ba.. my thinking is since already throw money here then just let it be..coz if now sell means really lose money.. if hold it at least we still got chance just maybe its become long term ..except this company collapse then no choice
102598853 : around 10 lol
Elon Starship : $9 laughing at my stupidity
obcmullet Elon Starship : don't feel bad your not alone 8.08 avg
70536935 :
70536935 : 9.24
LimTW : average down to $11 still holding & bleeding. Not sure to sell or hold all the way to bottom. But years back the price ever surged over $500 then stay flat till last Friday.
Keane Zhong : Will be holding on to $1?
102533919 与股共舞 : I done 2 rounds already. now holding at 6.80
102598853 LimTW : really is bleeding but just hold it ba.. my thinking is since already throw money here then just let it be..coz if now sell means really lose money.. if hold it at least we still got chance just maybe its become long term ..except this company collapse then no choice
Xmlm0426 : 19.50
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