102598853 : What does it mean if the cost is negative
倩妹妹 OP 102598853 : When the first wave rose, some were sold
102598853 倩妹妹 OP : Oh oh ok got it thank you
倩妹妹 OP 102598853 : You're welcome!
102598853 倩妹妹 OP :
知道賣股票的才是師傅 : You'll get sweeter and sweeter.
倩妹妹 OP 知道賣股票的才是師傅 : With so many tickets, I just wanted to see if he was that cool!
102598853 : What does it mean if the cost is negative
倩妹妹 OP 102598853 : When the first wave rose, some were sold
102598853 倩妹妹 OP : Oh oh ok got it thank you
倩妹妹 OP 102598853 : You're welcome!
102598853 倩妹妹 OP :
知道賣股票的才是師傅 : You'll get sweeter and sweeter.
倩妹妹 OP 知道賣股票的才是師傅 : With so many tickets, I just wanted to see if he was that cool!