Zerocool888 : Let me know when you reach 1000 and I will welcome you with red carpet to our 1000 shares club!
God_Of_War OP Zerocool888 : HAHAHA!! Still have along way to go :)Slowly but surely.
Zerocool888 God_Of_War OP : I have 101% confident you will get there before MOASS!
WQTTM : Still at 50s club, hopefully I can join you soon!
SneezeGUI WQTTM : same
Zerocool888 : Let me know when you reach 1000 and I will welcome you with red carpet to our 1000 shares club!
God_Of_War OP Zerocool888 : HAHAHA!! Still have along way to go :)
Slowly but surely.
Zerocool888 God_Of_War OP : I have 101% confident you will get there before MOASS!
WQTTM : Still at 50s club, hopefully I can join you soon!
SneezeGUI WQTTM : same