MrKenzo : just 3 likes from your frens aint shit
MDR81 : nonsense
MrKenzo : lol u tryin to inflict fear so him or his ppl can buy in lol nice try
Kow play Kow moo MrKenzo : It’s okay those people need to learn too
102415025 : TAke profit first
MrKenzo Kow play Kow moo : wydm?
MrKenzo : just 3 likes from your frens aint shit
MDR81 : nonsense
MrKenzo : lol u tryin to inflict fear so him or his ppl can buy in lol nice try
Kow play Kow moo MrKenzo : It’s okay those people need to learn too
102415025 : TAke profit first
MrKenzo Kow play Kow moo : wydm?