Money Maker 123 : hahaha I sold liao. cannot tank anymore. let it go.
大时代 OP : Let go let go of everything Freer with each other
Gosu8888 : Easy swallow your shares wkwkwk
大时代 OP : Let's swallow it
NickSaSa : u sold? if trump social app come, stock rising, u going buy back again
大时代 OP NickSaSa : Of course
TradeForFun NickSaSa : his app no link to phunware.
Money Maker 123 : hahaha I sold liao. cannot tank anymore. let it go.
大时代 OP : Let go let go of everything
Freer with each other
Gosu8888 : Easy swallow your shares wkwkwk
大时代 OP : Let's swallow it
NickSaSa : u sold? if trump social app come, stock rising, u going buy back again
大时代 OP NickSaSa : Of course
TradeForFun NickSaSa : his app no link to phunware.