Based on Morgan Stanley their target price is EUR800, which is roughly US929. Looking at the chart it could pass 860 in near term. Some info for u hope it helps.
The thing is that when it goes up people are afraid of the high price and when it goes down people are afraid of it going down further. By the end of September and the beginning of October, many Youtube’s were warning followers that ASML would continue going down to 600s but it actually bottomed out at 707 leaving many people regretting the missing out.
For stock like ASML, those who are mid to long term investor I would recommend do Dollar Cost Averaging to eliminate market timing(which u mentioned that most people concerned) It’s a better approach. Just some opinions to share.
PalmettoMoo : I hopped on board @710 already
101729643 : Based on Morgan Stanley their target price is EUR800, which is roughly US929. Looking at the chart it could pass 860 in near term. Some info for u hope it helps.
PalmettoMoo 101729643 : The thing is that when it goes up people are afraid of the high price and when it goes down people are afraid of it going down further. By the end of September and the beginning of October, many Youtube’s were warning followers that ASML would continue going down to 600s but it actually bottomed out at 707 leaving many people regretting the missing out.
101729643 PalmettoMoo : For stock like ASML, those who are mid to long term investor I would recommend do Dollar Cost Averaging to eliminate market timing(which u mentioned that most people concerned) It’s a better approach. Just some opinions to share.
PalmettoMoo 101729643 : Yeah DCA is a good strategy for this kind of stocks.
Bobi2206 PalmettoMoo : Lol those price levels are pulled from their asses. Just buy on dips until full position is reached
Hassu Syed : Thank you for your sharing! Would love to read more of your review.