I can’t really answer you that. I’m not sure myself… but base on my own research. It will go up slowly. Maybe. I can’t guarantee. Sorry!
Haha. I put good till cancelled mah. Yeah. I’ll hold it and wait again. I sold some tho at 5.2 then the 6.5 never go through I so sad.
glacier666 : Should i still hold?
earnalittlemoney OP glacier666 : I can’t really answer you that. I’m not sure myself… but base on my own research. It will go up slowly. Maybe. I can’t guarantee. Sorry!
glacier666 : @Tupack H Mcsnacks hi sir, may I know your take on this? Should I still hold
earnalittlemoney OP glacier666 : Did you hold it or sell It?
glacier666 earnalittlemoney OP : I'm still holding it
how much did u buy and what price
earnalittlemoney OP :
I put auto sell at 6.5 but it only went up to 6.47. I'm so mad now
I'm sorry it at 5.9
glacier666 earnalittlemoney OP : When did it go up to 6.47?!?! I bought at 5.6

glacier666 earnalittlemoney OP : Wth!! I just saw!!! Did you put limit sell everyday omg I feel so stupid
glacier666 earnalittlemoney OP : Are you stil gonna hold
earnalittlemoney OP : Haha. I put good till cancelled mah. Yeah. I’ll hold it and wait again. I sold some tho at 5.2 then the 6.5 never go through I so sad.
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