101523126 : Me at 42.3
Ddang7 : I Bought at $41.55 and now it is down.Such a weak stock and people are so naive.Really regret
xBloop OP Ddang7 : it’ll prob go back up no worries!
Zerocool888 Ddang7 : You did not buy a single share. I know you did not. So don’t bullshit lar. You have been condemning AMC for a long time. Only fools would believe your sad story.
wasabi_nuts : Just be patient!
101523126 : Me at 42.3
Ddang7 : I Bought at $41.55 and now it is down.Such a weak stock and people are so naive.Really regret
xBloop OP Ddang7 : it’ll prob go back up no worries!
Zerocool888 Ddang7 : You did not buy a single share. I know you did not. So don’t bullshit lar. You have been condemning AMC for a long time. Only fools would believe your sad story.
wasabi_nuts : Just be patient!