As of the most recent reporting period, the following institutional investors, funds, and major shareholders have reported short positions of AMC Entertainment: Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC, Valeo Financial Advisors LLC, Easterly Investment Partners LLC, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, SpiderRock Advisors LLC, XR Securities LLC, Bluefin Capital Management LLC, Goldentree Asset Management LP, Walleye Trading LLC, Luxor Capital Group LP, Millennium Management LLC, Marathon Trading Investment Management LLC, Parallax Volatility Advisers L.P., 683 Capital Management LLC, Balyasny Asset Management LLC, Anchorage Capital Group L.L.C., Citadel Advisors LLC, Boothbay Fund Management LLC, Brigade Capital Management LP, Whitebox Advisors LLC, Bank of America Corp DE, SG3 Management LLC, Bluefin Capital Management LLC, Caxton Associates LP, Lakewood Capital Management LP, Royal Bank of Canada, Hunting Hill Global Capital LLC, Warberg Asset Management LLC, Connacht Asset Management LP, HBK Investments L P, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Shay Capital LLC, PEAK6 Investments LLC, SpiderRock Advisors LLC, Loews Corp, Simplex Trading LLC, Bracebridge Capital LLC, HAP Trading LLC, Otter Creek Advisors LLC, Levin Capital Strategies L.P., Picton Mahoney Asset Management, Susquehanna International Group LLP, Banque Cantonale Vaudoise, Hexagon Capital Partners LLC, Group One Trading L.P., Wolverine Trading LLC, HighTower Advisors LLC, Clear Harbor Asset Management LLC, IMC Chicago LLC, and Gladius Capital Management LP. These positions are disclosed in Form 13F filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
MM2021 :
MM2021 : Cool
102467972 :
Sky light : Wow, so many agencies can't beat Apess! This is the power of unity! Apes, we must hold on until we win. How brave we are! Anyway, our money is woefully less than the agency! But the agency still wants more from us
ur wifes boyfriend OP : if you are tired of the shorts taking your profits then a low shorted stock is Taco.
71638587 Sky light : After stealing so much money from us for so many years, this group of heinous HFs is the main culprit in bringing down the world economy