The price for this stock is always fluctuating due to low volume which makes it less liquid. A less liquid market means high volatility which can cause the price to change significantly when there is huge blocks of stock been traded. Hopefully, this addresses some of the concerns you guys might have regarding the fluctuation of it's stock price for the past few days. Ultimately, the crucial date falls on 9 November
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Never try to time the market because timing it leads to emotional investing/trading. Ultimately, If you have done your dd and believe that this stock will eventually rise to it's target price , does it matter whether u buy it at 5.2 or 6 ??
UNeverSleppWell : When is the time to buy?
SG_Rookie OP UNeverSleppWell : Never try to time the market because timing it leads to emotional investing/trading. Ultimately, If you have done your dd and believe that this stock will eventually rise to it's target price , does it matter whether u buy it at 5.2 or 6 ??
Jwlee SG_Rookie OP : Can't agree more on this
kat kukuuu UNeverSleppWell : I think you can continue to observe tomorrow