Robert Brantley : how do I purchase
Profoundest Cotton22 : how do I buy
70696867 Robert Brantley : ?
70696867 Profoundest Cotton22 : just buy it as normal steps isn’t it
justin hightower 70696867 : did you get the answer to your question about imperium to purchase imperium do you have to use the market or do you have to take the steps like you're saying and what does that evolve if you would please
John Heller : no I have not been able to figure it out
70561748 Robert Brantley : how do I buy Imperium stock
meowmeow66 70561748 : you need to open hk trading account first
meowmeow66 Robert Brantley : you need to open hk trading account first
Robert Brantley : how do I purchase
Profoundest Cotton22 : how do I buy
70696867 Robert Brantley : ?
70696867 Profoundest Cotton22 : just buy it as normal steps isn’t it
justin hightower 70696867 : did you get the answer to your question about imperium to purchase imperium do you have to use the market or do you have to take the steps like you're saying and what does that evolve if you would please
John Heller : no I have not been able to figure it out
70561748 Robert Brantley : how do I buy Imperium stock
meowmeow66 70561748 : you need to open hk trading account first
meowmeow66 Robert Brantley : you need to open hk trading account first