as stated in the main post, the topic is about building a portfolio rather than discussion about the maximum potential return one can achieve.
given we all are aware of risk-reward return, it still boil down to each individual risk appetite and time-line and purpose.
as a market participant of the capital market, obviously a portfolio should be inclusive and build upon all available instruments classes. hence the key factor lies on the allocation percentage of each class within the portfolio. for ‘Singapore moomooers’ our beloved or much hated CPF can be viewed as an asset class as fixed income/debt/bond if the portfolio is build upon a target timeline at or beyond the statutory retirement ages.
in summary, building a portfolio is aka finding the best equilibrium and striking a balance of allocation across the different classes. which in a way is similar to money fund flow methodology.
to end this, there is no right or wrong answer to how should one build a portfolio for the fact that Trading/Investment is an Art not a Sciene as such there is no scientific way to judge an artpiece as beauty lies in the eyes of beholder!
have fun and enjoy the journey with moomoo
IsTodayMarkiplier : leave the remaining to look out for other opportunities in other stock