You own how many Singtel shares? 100,000? 300,000? If you only own couple of thousands, that 0.006 cents won’t impact that much lar. Div is slightly lower is to make way for future investments.
You are right. Some traders come into investing stock and only have a mindset that after throwing money into a company, it will make quick bucks for them. Many get caught off guard when they see red and panic sell. A lot listen to wrong people or friends. Newbies should take all comments with a pinch of salt. People always paint beautiful picture and did not tell you about the losses.
Investing 25k on Singtel now will pay around $400 plus worth of dividends. What does bank pays you if you put $25k? ALMOST ZERO.
LemonYong : Give everyone a chance to buy low
102294562 : interim dividend of 4.5 cents is low
Ah Boo : Dividend drop compared to last year?
Zerocool888 Ah Boo : Drop but not by much lar. Last year was 0.051. Coming one is 0.045.
AK4321 Ah Boo : low but still much better than bank interest
Zerocool888 102294562 : You own how many Singtel shares? 100,000? 300,000? If you only own couple of thousands, that 0.006 cents won’t impact that much lar. Div is slightly lower is to make way for future investments.
Zerocool888 AK4321 : You are right. Some traders come into investing stock and only have a mindset that after throwing money into a company, it will make quick bucks for them. Many get caught off guard when they see red and panic sell. A lot listen to wrong people or friends. Newbies should take all comments with a pinch of salt. People always paint beautiful picture and did not tell you about the losses.
Investing 25k on Singtel now will pay around $400 plus worth of dividends. What does bank pays you if you put $25k? ALMOST ZERO.
YC Xiao Zerocool888 : Awesome![undefined [undefined]](
LemonYong Zerocool888 : Fat money
Better than interest afterall good luck