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VVanYeen : Share price keep dropping or not moving. Get dividend also useless
Blessedme VVanYeen : Agree with you. SG stocks not worth investing. US STOCKS BETTER.
UNeverSleppWell : REITs are stable, which are suitable to new investors
TradeMore : Ok
VVanYeen Blessedme : I doubt it can beat inflation if the trend going to stay flat or dropping
101569646 : thank u for the disclaimer n dividends education!
72MonkeySurvival : Dividend Stock are for Conservative Retiree for regular income. Rain or Shine 2 times a year.
BULL HORN : The world's largest trade pact kicked in on Saturday (Jan 1), cutting tariffs for businesses for about 92 per cent of goods traded among signatory parties that have ratified the agreement.