It was the internet in the late ’90s, social media in the 2000s, and digital currency (crypto) in the 2010s. Facebook’s Metaverse might be one of the greatest investment opportunities in the 2020s. If you are following Facebook’s Connect 2021 conference you will realize how much deep Facebook now Meta has invested in the platform. They own Oculus which is the first step towards VR/AR metaverse. The application of Metaverse based platforms is immense and beyond gaming and virtually every aspect of our lives. Here are some of the potential companies to benefit from:
1.$Unity Software (U.US)$Unity Software: Virtually all applications will be developed either on Unity or Unreal Engine.
2.$Autodesk (ADSK.US)$Autodesk: They own 3D Max and Maya which again might be used to develop VR/AR applications. Plus they have various Building Information Modelling tools like Revit and Navisworks which might be useful in creating Metaverse beyond gaming.
I love how everyone knows the metaverse will for sure be the next big thing or for sure won’t be the next big thing. No one knows for sure, you just make a calculated bet and hope for the best.
Dabria : NVDA, king of the meta, crypto, AI and potential owner of ARM....the defacto leader of compute for the next 50 years.
Feleshia : I love how everyone knows the metaverse will for sure be the next big thing or for sure won’t be the next big thing. No one knows for sure, you just make a calculated bet and hope for the best.
大不不 : How about $Vuzix (VUZI.US)$? Potential AR glasses for Metaverse.
101507583 : Wow