I doubt the earnings will do much to help this. None of the stuff they have been doing will be showing any profit on this er. they will be reporting a loss.
This whole "To the moon" crap is getting annoying and overplayed. First of all this stock specifically isn't going anywhere. it was a meme stock for a couple of days and all the retail folks who made it such has long sense moved on.
2nd and more ironically it's been 49 years since man last stepped on the moon. So one could say that using that phrase is not really a good expression to describe what you would hope for in a stock.
VortexetroV : I doubt the earnings will do much to help this. None of the stuff they have been doing will be showing any profit on this er. they will be reporting a loss.
CuyWare : This whole "To the moon" crap is getting annoying and overplayed. First of all this stock specifically isn't going anywhere. it was a meme stock for a couple of days and all the retail folks who made it such has long sense moved on.
2nd and more ironically it's been 49 years since man last stepped on the moon. So one could say that using that phrase is not really a good expression to describe what you would hope for in a stock.
WhiteBull OP : um... I will wait and see...
101676347 WhiteBull OP :
102858656 CuyWare : Hope 1 day it will rebound, hope.......
珍珠奶茶哪裡找 : If drop 20% today, is it a good time to buy in?