VI7138Moo : Hope to keep it up till previous 7.77 on 3/1/2018... come on
newtimes VI7138Moo : ???
AlbertChan3788 :
V Jerome newtimes : I suppose that was the last high before stock split
MaxiMerc : Target Price around this I believe.
xbirdyx : This is already record high for AEM o.o why got previous high of 7.77?
VI7138Moo xbirdyx : Hi, saw old record here ..not aware of 2015 stocks split till mentioned..interesting.Anyways, better minitor closely tmr n take some profit first.. worries price might be ..... soon..
xbirdyx VI7138Moo : Haha yeah if hit 7.77 again means doubled value anw yeah. Might have pull back soon! Huat ah
VI7138Moo : yes yes... Good luck everyone.. Huat ah!
VI7138Moo : Hope to keep it up till previous 7.77 on 3/1/2018... come on
newtimes VI7138Moo : ???
AlbertChan3788 :

V Jerome newtimes : I suppose that was the last high before stock split
MaxiMerc : Target Price around this I believe.
xbirdyx : This is already record high for AEM o.o why got previous high of 7.77?
VI7138Moo xbirdyx : Hi, saw old record here ..not aware of 2015 stocks split till mentioned..interesting.Anyways, better minitor closely tmr n take some profit first.. worries price might be ..... soon..
xbirdyx VI7138Moo : Haha yeah if hit 7.77 again means doubled value
anw yeah. Might have pull back soon! Huat ah
VI7138Moo : yes yes... Good luck everyone.. Huat ah!