I’m very sorry to break it to u but the TP is only 60 and it went way beyond that due to hype and ppl buy without doing their DD. It went way above where it should have stopped therefore naturally it will drop back down. It may even drop back down to 40 ish. this is because during ER the company alr said they won’t even report any earnings until Q4
Lucky Charms : same.. heart pain i was thinking can hit 70...
70147395 : yeah, I sold mine at market open. I'll buy it back when the dust settles. I still believe in this company
Rata88798 OP : today EV only Tesla is ++++. and the new EV IPO is +ve. others is sad story
EvelynY Lucky Charms : I also believe it will hit 70. But not today
Lucky Charms EvelynY : :'(
Alaness : I’m very sorry to break it to u but the TP is only 60 and it went way beyond that due to hype and ppl buy without doing their DD. It went way above where it should have stopped therefore naturally it will drop back down. It may even drop back down to 40 ish. this is because during ER the company alr said they won’t even report any earnings until Q4