Never follow suit when buying stocks. If they buy it, you buy it too; it's definitely wrong. The higher the price is exceeded, the more afraid you have to be. Because the higher it is, the one that cuts the chives will always sell, leading to a sharp decline. Entered the market 10 times, 9 times, bought high, sold low, haven't you learned yet?
If you're unsure about catching up, it's better to miss it than to get a duvet. There are other good stocks, so there's no need to follow suit.
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leoneday : Tell your story
Nevermoreski : Tell me the next time before you enter the venue and remember to remember xdm
毛票实习生 : talented
70216130 : Call upwsbThose guys are here to raise the price
Ahmii : Never follow suit when buying stocks. If they buy it, you buy it too; it's definitely wrong. The higher the price is exceeded, the more afraid you have to be. Because the higher it is, the one that cuts the chives will always sell, leading to a sharp decline. Entered the market 10 times, 9 times, bought high, sold low, haven't you learned yet?
eh2021 : If you're unsure about catching up, it's better to miss it than to get a duvet. There are other good stocks, so there's no need to follow suit.
RB26DETT OP leoneday : What do I buy what do you sell. Earn money with a package
RB26DETT OP Ahmii : If you don't follow suit, what do you buy or lose
小超人爸爸 : Follow the high and heavy warehouses, moonlight on the roof. brothers