23362070 : Buybuybaby!
student otg : nope..think most people are making an effort to exit..could be wrong but right now it's falling like a rocket with out fuel
jpcardona student otg : please at least take your time to read the report. they just sold a couple hundreds from thousand they own.
student otg jpcardona : show me
pennypincher OP jpcardona : ya it totaled like 6500 shares. probably just enough to pay taxes on there position
pennypincher OP jpcardona : uneducated people make bad guesses rather then ask the right question because they don't want people to know they are really gambling not investing. that is a bad byproduct of the reddit community.
RageAndLove : Just by checking out their financials here it’s a bit too risky for me.
jpcardona student otg : click on news. then announcement. top 4 are the ones u want to open
Dont Lose Money : I hv a small stakes in this, yes let’s see by Friday!
student otg jpcardona : I like how you aggressively defend..you're like shaking of the haters..lol
23362070 : Buybuybaby!
student otg : nope..think most people are making an effort to exit..could be wrong but right now it's falling like a rocket with out fuel
jpcardona student otg : please at least take your time to read the report. they just sold a couple hundreds from thousand they own.
student otg jpcardona : show me
pennypincher OP jpcardona : ya it totaled like 6500 shares. probably just enough to pay taxes on there position
pennypincher OP jpcardona : uneducated people make bad guesses rather then ask the right question because they don't want people to know they are really gambling not investing. that is a bad byproduct of the reddit community.
RageAndLove : Just by checking out their financials here it’s a bit too risky for me.
jpcardona student otg : click on news. then announcement. top 4 are the ones u want to open
Dont Lose Money : I hv a small stakes in this, yes let’s see by Friday!
student otg jpcardona : I like how you aggressively defend..you're like shaking of the haters..lol