Payment date is 26 Nov. Ex-date is when price usually falls as people start selling and still get dividends. Ex-date was 12 Nov. Those who buy after Ex-date do not receive dividends.
Following the introduction of China's groundbreaking DeepSeek technology, Wall Street giants have revised their investment outlooks for the Chinese market.
万事达36007 : Next week
101677237 OP : thks
101677237 OP : after collect DBS dividend.will the price drop.
越老越有钱发发发 万事达36007 : What day to get dividends
万事达36007 : Take 26/11
万事达36007 越老越有钱发发发 : 26/11
越老越有钱发发发 万事达36007 : THANK YOU!
Bobana : Payment date is 26 Nov. Ex-date is when price usually falls as people start selling and still get dividends. Ex-date was 12 Nov. Those who buy after Ex-date do not receive dividends.
SG6096 Bobana : ok, tks
102473109 : Wow
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