It will never "stop". There's a huge supply of people who will short the stock when the stock veers a bit too high. And when it goes back on track, there will still be some people who will short it. That's just how it works. Hold long and buy the dips, dips and red days are great for getting bargain prices for long hold.
Beastkiller : it will stop as long as we keep buying the dip
Pcube : It will never "stop". There's a huge supply of people who will short the stock when the stock veers a bit too high. And when it goes back on track, there will still be some people who will short it. That's just how it works. Hold long and buy the dips, dips and red days are great for getting bargain prices for long hold.
Pcube Pcube : Fairly confident that you will not regret if you hold this for long.
bulldoglife : It’s such a game. Just hold.