T将军 : I think so too
cowpeh OP T将军 : No negative news, yet stock is tanking. Company is actually fundamentally strong and sound.
Investphil : why Sea is in red when the broad market has rallied ?
V大牛V : Guess some big institutes r selling.
shiningheng : time to buy in?
V大牛V shiningheng : Today load some around 307
89293931 : Buy the dip more
cowpeh OP V大牛V : Sudden loss in confidence from all sectors. Its always a risk when Americans or Europeans aren't exposed to a company's products.
102713028 : no volume
T将军 : I think so too
cowpeh OP T将军 : No negative news, yet stock is tanking. Company is actually fundamentally strong and sound.
Investphil : why Sea is in red when the broad market has rallied ?
V大牛V : Guess some big institutes r selling.
shiningheng : time to buy in?
V大牛V shiningheng : Today load some around 307
89293931 : Buy the dip more
cowpeh OP V大牛V : Sudden loss in confidence from all sectors. Its always a risk when Americans or Europeans aren't exposed to a company's products.
102713028 : no volume