Death Ride : So continue holding?
有錢要趁早 OP Death Ride : yes, actually i’m building up my holdings again. Shares in hands increased slowly in past 2 weeks. Will sell when bounce back.
Ivanziom : Never sell never lose , just temporary
BuddyAPE : dont sound like your nick
猫友 : It's been a long time, hasn't it
starr67 : let it bleed to its bottom then do one lump average don't dilute your shares.
Death Ride : So continue holding?
有錢要趁早 OP Death Ride : yes, actually i’m building up my holdings again. Shares in hands increased slowly in past 2 weeks. Will sell when bounce back.
Ivanziom : Never sell never lose , just temporary
BuddyAPE : dont sound like your nick
猫友 : It's been a long time, hasn't it
starr67 : let it bleed to its bottom then do one lump average don't dilute your shares.