"We expected a huge drop in jobless claims - the consensus was baffling - which were pushed down by a seasonal adjustment quirk," Pantheon Macro's Ian Shepherdson writes. "It will substantially reverse next week, with claims rebounding to about 250K. That said, the trend in claims is clearly falling, and we expect it to return to the pre-Covid low, about 210K, early next year. Laying off staff is risky when the labor market is so tight, with near-record job openings."
wild horse : Interesting how "Good News becomes bad news". We should celebrate the people back to work. But to markets it means interest rates may go up ...so a bad day!
Milenko : Why we still need negative real rates?
T_shares : The government wonders why they've got a bubble in worthless crypto coins, and EV car companies.. Raise rates and flush out all the toxic trash.
EEC6iRWd4p : Markets lead economic data by a year. Now the market will not grow so fast. It may not grow at all like the 2018-19 period. It makes trades much more fun. Picking will become important.
TvhXCjkODq : 10 year Interest rates need to get back into the 2.5-3% range by the spring. The Fed needs to raise rates. This recovery was faster than hell.
vYcu5FgULx : Core spending will go down to normal and debt will start being used, auto production is already starting to reamp back up as chip shortages fade.